Re: training cycles

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Posted by Leif Irgens on April 08, 2008 at 21:18:06:

In Reply to: training cycles posted by kenric andrews on April 08, 2008 at 18:00:36:

I used to divide my year up into very specific cycles. I don't really do that any more but I do still follow a vague format of periodization.

For at least one 8-12 week period each year, I focus on long workouts (preferably 90 min. or longer) at moderate pace. I do this for all three sports and usually combine sports to take the workout total over 90 min. If I can't go longer than 90 min., I take an easy day or a rest day. During this time, I do very little speed work and very few races. I used to do no speedwork or racing at all during this period but I've found that as I get older, it's harder to re-acclimate to anaerobic efforts so I go anaerobic for short periods here and there duing this 8-12 week period.

After this build-up period, I, start introducing speedwork. I try to go anaerobic once per week in each sport (usually combining sports on the anaerobic days) and maintain one long workout per week (2.5-3.5 hours) The other days are easy or rest. If I'm racing, I'll only do one other anaerobic session that week. I find that I can continue this sequence for 2-3 months with good racing results. After that 2-3 month period, I'll take a week or two easy (I hate to time time off), then do a 4-6 week re-build of mostly long, moderate workouts before another racing sequence of 2-3 months. That prett much covers the year for me - my two racing seasons typically focus on the April-June duathlons & triathlons and then again on the August-October races. I try to take a two week period after Senior Bowl where I do mostly shorter easier workouts before I start back with my 8-12 week winter build-up.

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