Thank you Pacers

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Posted by Chris LaSonde on August 06, 2008 at 09:02:30:

Thanks to all the Port City Pacers, sponsors and other volunteers who help make the Crime Prevention 5K last night such a big success. It was my first real road race after a 30-year hiatus and I thought the level of professionalism, commitment and logistical expertise was exemplary.

Special thanks to Sylvia (sorry I was remembering from your message that you were long with short hair which explains why I didn't introduce myself when you were manning the scoring trailer) for letting me know the drill.

I joined the club last night (I hope) and can't wait to meet more smiling faces and run more grueling races (The GO 5K will likely be the next for me because I am running the Seebee Volkslauf mud run in Gulfport on Sept. 6).

Thanks again.

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