Re: SandyBeach's Running Group!!

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Posted by Monetta Roberts on September 08, 2008 at 05:17:53:

In Reply to: Re: Running Groups posted by Sandy Falgout on September 07, 2008 at 21:37:59:

Hey SandyBeach Girl!

Thanks for the love, baby girl! Your team really sounds like fun, and for an incredibly serious cause.

Even though the following is your former teammate's brainchild (not mine) I'd love to invite you and your fellow teachers, as well as all other comers, to NoJo's Tuesday night "Mellow Milers" 5K workout starting and ending at the Mellow Mushroom at the Loop (on Airport Blvd., barely west of where it runs into Old Govt. St.) We meet at 545pm and head out on a measured 5K neighborhood loop at 6pm. I KNOW it isn't convenient for you WeMo'ers, BUT, it's well worth the carpool effort, believe me! There's been a great turnout so far....if fact, so many people of so many different MPH levels have been coming that even with my slow racewalking, I've never been out of sight of peeps ahead, and it's enough like a race that I've taken to using it as a tempo workout. PLUS, SandyBeach: There are enough twists and turns on the course (and NoJo marks most of them, she's SO good!) that even a certain math major can get some much needed tangent-cutting practice.....if you know what I mean. 8 ) Anyway, even though it might be an effort for ya, at least think about adding it to your training plan once a month, or whatever. I believe after a person shows up for ten workouts, you get a free T-shirt.....woooohooooo! Even better, after the workout, there are discounts on appetizers and some adult beverages. Remember: When you're at The Mushroom, you're a fungi!

A'ight? Glad to see you're still at it; although I certainly had no reason to think you weren't!


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