Thank you Turkey 10/5k Volunteers

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Posted by Maureen Van Devender on November 22, 2008 at 19:42:18:

Thank you to all the volunteers who came out in the early morning to help with this race in spite of the very cold weather. It turned out to be a beautiful day and the event was very nice thanks in large part to the planning and preparation of co-race directors Sylvia Rogers and Marykara Imwalle, and the help and dedication of the following volunteers:

Gary Beeler
Mary Brooks
Phyliss Daffron
Neal Denton
David Dutton
Pat Hilliard
George Lee
Richard Leonard
Jean Mattics
Susie McDonald
Dewain Morris
Taylor Pardon
Roy Seewer
Phillip Shouppe
Sally Shouppe
Ariane Weidner
Mona Williams

And the Satsuma High School Student Volunteers; This is a student run volunteering organization that has chosen the Port City Pacers as one of their favorite organizations. This race was a group project for them, and they did a great job. To read more about this great group of kids click the link below. In attendance today:
Casey Barnett
Katlyn Bramblett
Lewis Butterworth
Devan Cooper
Whitney Corgill
Liz Ezell
Michelle Gardner
Maelynn La
Sonny Le
Christina Lynn
Morgan McIntyre
Ariel Robinson
Rachel Sawyer
Olivia Turner

And to any volunteers I may have left off, my apologies. Thank you all.

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