THE NUTTY CHALLENGE: WigWag It on 13th; Chase It on 14th!

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Posted by Monetta Roberts on March 01, 2010 at 17:47:03:

My Fellow Americans, Foreign Nationals & Space Invaders (<--Hi, Marshie):

The power of all those perfectly loveable, but absolutely homeless dogs and cats at the ARFanage [go to to see who's available or to volunteer] compels me to urge us one and all to make the effort to support ARF's FIRST EVER Wig~~Wag~~5K Run/Walk on USA's Brookley
Field Pacer-certified 5K course (Old Bay Front Drive).

Afterward, there'll be a 1-mile walk where your leashed pet (Bill) will be more than welcome --- or should I say, *we'll* be welcome to join our pets! And between you and me, I gotta $5 sez my dog can kick your dog's boo-TAAY in a 1-mile race.

It's going to be a GREAT inaugural event, and it's for one of the truly great organizations around --- ARF is volunteer-based, and is filled with people who go out of their way to find and pick up a dog they heard about who was hit by a car and left to die; dogs lying at death's door, with a litter of puppies trying to nurse; a half-starved dog chained near a meth lab that exploded. You can't believe how cool these people are, unless you know them. Or unless you are them.

And so I say, while Disney World has trademarked its Goofy challenge, let's make the weekend of March 13-14 our NUTTY CHALLENGE!!

That's right! Let's get our coin jars out, forgo our lunchtime chocolate milk (Victor, Kenric, others) and scrap together enough coin to undertake the NUTTY CHALLENGE: The Wiggle Waggle 5K on MArch 13; and the Leprechaun Chase 10K on March 14.

In honor of the love-starved dogs at ARF, I double dog dare you. And for those of you who really, truly can't make the 5K on the 13th, please contact ARF if you can volunteer some time at the ARFanage, if you can donate goods, money, or if you'd like to adopt or foster an animal.


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