Re: Seem to me...

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Posted by Monetta Roberts on October 16, 2007 at 06:21:19:

In Reply to: Re: Seem to me... posted by vince kilborn on October 16, 2007 at 04:33:52:

I SWEAR I already responded to both of Amy's queries, and I suppose that response is floating amongst the ozone now..?

Of course I had an epidural injection not far from where I store my too-large-and-heavy-brain-for-my-delicate-and-childlike-neck yesterday, so there IS the smallest possibility that I composed and posted my response while soundly sleeping a chemical-induced sleep in my cozy feather bed! No matter, I'll try to hit the hightlights IF FMB will e-mail to me post haste (that means FAST, FBM) an unadulterated copy of this infamous BRR article! I may as well see if there are any grounds for slander before I bring suit, although I don't mind proceeding blindly.... * )

AMES: If you are really interesting in the two (2) rules of racewalking, you can easily Google the term and find the USATF definition, which is the governing body. There's even a section in there somewhere about judging and its requirements, for example, certified judges do not judge for the two rules from behind or in front of, competitors, but from a profile angle as the competitors' approach and leave the judges' station.

There is something about the way you ask your question, however---and nothing I can point to, other than a feeling I get, that tell me you are not as interested in learning what defines racewalking as you may be in wanting to state some issue you might be having with racewalking. Then again, with the exception of anything that comes out of FBM's mouth, I could be wrong. If you do have an issue, whazzit?

Next: I find doing long workouts on loop courses most convenient (although like you, I prefer mine larger than 400m!). If you really want a good selection of no-brainer point-to-point courses though, look at a map of the First Light Marathon course (there's a link on this website) and pick any section you like---being ever mindful of high and low-traffic areas and relative safe and unsafe areas.

Mile 10 (close to Atlanta Bread Co.) west on Dauphin St. to as far as mile 20 and back (or any point in between) is a good, hilly route; as it mile 14 (on the campus of USA) to mile 20. The only mile marker that I know of to be missing is 19, but if you have a map, you can tell about where it should be.

With point to pointers, esp. this one, I like to drive my route first and stash water, sports drink and gels in bushes or where ever. The you just have to remember to go back and get 'em all.

And if any of this sounds good to you, please not that while mile 10 of the 1stL Marathon is a great place to start, there is ALWAYS traffic from there to McGregor---no matter how early you start, so I belive you should always face traffic and always assume the everyone driving your way has just left an all-nighter at a bar!



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