big thanks!!

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Posted by lynn allin on October 30, 2005 at 14:55:27:

In Reply to: Hurricane run posted by Pat Hilliard on October 30, 2005 at 11:02:36:

I had so much fun yesterday!!
I need to thank the Angels for the moola tshirts and goodies, my Synergy Coordinator: Jane Givens for all her advice and efforts, Robert Blomquist, an ok volunteer despite being a yankee, Justin Parker who can take a good ribbing, the sweet lady who donated the restaurant gift certificates, the rest of my beloved BBB for their help: Victor, Valery B, Valery W, Rick, Jimmy, Joy, Timmy, my sister at Nike Canada for the neato swag, the old guy I picked on all day, the sea lab for the building with flush toilets, all the people who brought their dogs, Blue Bell for free goodies, and a huge big THANKS to the PCP board and crew who showed up and took care of the last 50 details. For example, I showed up with a bag of flour I purchased to mark the road...they had a 5 gallon tub!

Speaking of tubs, we filled two of the huge tubs that the Bay Area Food Bank brought. If you forgot your food, you can still mail a donation, especially appreciated at this time of year. When the totals are in, I will be sure to let you know how much was donated to DI Fire Rescue.

I just felt like the day was a fun, sunny event with lots of community and love...just what is needed following the events our area has survived.
I had a great time and am glad to hear that others did too.

We're already starting planning on the BOMB!! Bigger and better than last year!

Love ya all!
Lynn "Happy McHappy pants" Allin

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