Mardi Gras Dash for Cash

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Posted by Susi Lyon on February 10, 2006 at 12:16:39:

The Pensacola News Journal is sponsoring a one mile Dash for Cash immediately prior to the Grand Mardi Gras Parade on Saturday, February 25. Cash prizes ($200, $100, $50) will be awarded to the top three male and female open and masters finishers. The Mardi Gras Mile is open to runners 14 and up. Men must be able to run a six minute mile and Ladies must run an eight minute or better pace. You can register on line a or e-mail for an entry form. The cost is $20 per runner and includes a long sleeve t-shirt. Packet pick up will be on race day at Seville Quarter from noon to one on race day. Laissez le Mile Rouler!

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