Re: USPS wants you!

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Posted by Monetta Roberts on January 16, 2005 at 08:10:00:

In Reply to: USPS wants you! posted by Victor Birch on January 16, 2005 at 06:25:02:


With the full knowledge that I shall shortly be asked whether or not I can walk a straight line (answer: now and again, on a very, very good day)I willing open myself up to endless ridicule--which, from you, I can take any ol' day of the week---and volunteer than while I fit into none of the categories of gone-postal runners you mentioned, I DO RECEIVE mail regularly, so long as I don't park my car too near the mailbox so as to make it inconvenient for my mail delivery human. After one written notice that the car is often in his way, he now merely passes me by if he has to get out of his mailmobile ~~or!~~ has to back up after filling my box with bills. But what do I care? One more day without a bill? I see no problem with that...

So (a) while I cannot give you any real and true help, speedy points wise, I AM a faithful postal customer--stamps, packages, return receipts requested---the full gamut; and (b) I strongly recommend that you not recruit my mail delivey human as he is unduly taxed by hopping into and out of his mailmobile. He'd probably just stop at every turn in a race. Not that he isn't a wonderful human in other ways, I feel certain he is (should he be able to track me down from this post).

That said, there is a youthful, energetic (remember those days??? HOOOHA!) postal worker at the Springill station who does run and came out a time or two to our Tuesday night track workouts, and would surely be a lovely addition to your team. Only problem is, I don't know his name, so you'd need to call over and grill the employees there, or just go stake it out and look for someone who fits the youthful (compared to you) and energetic (compared to you) description.

So glad I could be such tremendous help!


8 )

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